Indeed, current music is shaping our youth negatively and this need to change.



“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others”- Philippians 2:4

It’s Day 2 of the SUPPORT & SERVE Challenge and as the challenge continues, I’d like to introduce a friend of mine.  A friend whose a great example of Philippians 2:4. A friend, who I SUPPORT wholeheartedly because of his willingness to SERVE the kids of our present and future generations through music.

The music of THIS generation……oh, the music of this generation! It truly saddens me (as I’m sure it does for you as well) to see teenagers, even little kids mimic EXACTLY what they hear and see from some of the songs and music videos that are in constant rotation, especially within the genres of rap, hip-hop, and pop. Unfortunately, some of today’s most popular songs are influencing our youth to act out, to view themselves, and to view…

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